Orbifly in a nutshell...

Orbifly is an EASA ATO that was founded in Switzerland in 1999 and is known as the pioneer in FAA IR training in Europe.
Now based in France and offering EASA, FAA and UK CAA services, she has become a multinational entity led by a dedicated team of instructors who love to fly in the US as well as in Europe.

Our main goal : Safety of flights.
Our second goal : Pleasure of flight !

Tell me more...


  Who is Orbifly ?

Homepage & News

The Orbiteam

The Orbi-birds fleet

Our Calendar

  News & sweet Memories

Orbifly on Facebook

The Orbidays

The Orbiflyers Team on the 100/24

Our Partners



  Orbifly EASA ATO

Orbifly is now EASA ATO number FR.ATO.0291.

No, we are not giving up on FAA training ! We want to offer you the best of both worlds: combined training, conversions, and a broad expertise in licensing.
Our EASA training courses therefore retain the American-style pragmatism that has made our success!


  Our EASA Trainings

IR(A) Competency Based

Basic IR (BIR)

Multiengine Class Rating (MEP)

Night Rating


  Other EASA Trainings

CB-IR(A) Ground School

La Môle (St Tropez) Competency Check

SET Class Ratings (PA46, TBM, PC12)




  Ground School

3-day FAA IR Ground School

2-day FAA CPL Ground School

Online Virtual Class

Ground School Calendar


  Flight Training

FAA IR Flight Training

FAA CPL Flight Training

EASA to FAA conversions

Combined FAA+EASA Trainings


  Other Trainings

Preventive maintenance for Pilots

Flight Review & IPC

Let's fly in the US!

High altitude, Complex, Tailwheel...


  Partnership with Oysterair

Orbifly has developed a partnership with Oysterair, an English ATO specialized in advanced training on high performance aeroplanes.

We can offer EASA SET training, which can be combined with FAA endorsements providing you with both EASA and FAA qualifications... and even UK ratings if needed.

You did not take the EASA ATPL written exams?
We can also offer you the HPA course. This Ground course will allow you to enter the world of EASA high performance single pilot airplanes.


  High Performance Trainings


PA46 Flight Training

TBM Flight Training



  Our Expertise

Expertise & Technical inspections

Trustee for your N-Reg aircraft

Lawyer & Legal advice

Ferry flights


  Free Services

Met'Map weather online

Free Seminars

Our Newsletter



  Orbifly Member Access

This access is free and open still 2006 to all Orbifly FAA students and former FAA students.

It provides access to a great number of tools and ressources (Orbi-logbook, memos, videos, useful links and documents...).
Check also our Met'Map weather chart here (free).

Subscribe to our newsletter here !


Orbiflyer Access

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  Orbifly ATO Access

This access is free to all Orbifly EASA students and Orbifly ATO instructors.

It provides access to your EASA trainings in progress and to a great number of useful ressources for your training.
If you hold an Orbiflyer member access, some functionalities will be linked between both accounts.

Subscribe to our newsletter here !


Orbifly ATO Access

Email :     Password :

I want to stay connected on this computer.



  Our Bases

Avignon main training base (LFMV)

Cannes secondary site (LFMD)

Le Touquet secondary site (LFAT)

Your home'training base ! (HOME)

Subscribe to our newsletter here !


  Contact us

Our contact form

By telephone : +33 4 89 37 4000
Mon-Fri, 9:00-12:00 and 14:00-19:00

By mail at the head office :
441 av Marcel Pagnol
06210 Mandelieu, FRANCE


  Add our contact

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The Orbiflyers Team for the 100/24

The 100/24 ​​Breitling Cup is a friendly aeronautical competition in which a team of Orbiflyers participated in 2011, on quite an unusual plane.

This beautiful adventure will remain engraved in our memories ... here are a few words and photos to let you discover it.
Get ready for a smily story and some (almost always) blue sky!


The principle

The 100/24 Breitling ​​cup is a somewhat special race with a simple rule: a team must fly an airplane for 24 hours and successfully land on more than 100 aerodromes!
The objective: a great human adventure, and the demonstration of the richness of the French aerodromes network!

Any type of airplane can join : turbine, piston, vintage, tailwheel, state of the art aircraft ... the regulation must be complied with at any time, and the crew has to respect some minimum imposed rest time (which means therefore to switch crew during the race).
Each year, additional rules are added to make things fun, and to encourage the crews to travel the French territory. At first glance, fairly simple as a rule ... and that's where the adventure begins!

The team

The team consisted of a happy band of Orbiflyers:
  • Baudouin d'Aumeries (Team Chief Pilot)
  • Frédéric BENOIST (Assistance Pilot)
  • Bernard BOCHATAY (Assistance and Nord 3400 Pilot)
  • Yves BRUCKER (Nord 3400 Pilot)
  • Betty CELICOUT (Nord 3400 Pilot)
  • Philippe COTREL (Nord 3400 Pilot)
  • François DOYEN (Nord 3400 Pilot & Strategy)
  • Eric GIFFARD (aircraft technical preparation)
  • Nathalie GILLIERS (Nord 3400 Pilot)
  • Marc-Olivier MÉHU (Ground team)
  • Eric ODIN (Assistance Pilot)
  • Julien SABENE (Nord 3400 Pilot)
  • Alexandra ZAINAL (Nord 3400 Pilot & instructor)

Our Racer

As the Orbiflyers Team is a group of enthusiasts, we decide to live an exceptional moment of Aviation with friends, and make the unlikely choice of selecting the least equipped, oldest and slowest plane of all the competitors having never participated in the 100/24 Breitling ​​Cup! And what's more, it's a tailwheel!

The NORD 3400 Norbarbe, former military observation warbird for the Algerian war, belongs to our instructor Alexandra, and is the last airworthy aircraft of this kind.
Absolutely perfect for a group of Orbiflyers looking for a challenge!
Tailwheel, History and good humor will be the key words of this team!

But challenge & fun are not incompatible with a sharp organization...
The Nord 3400 is an former military aircraft from the French ALAT, with exceptional STOL & bushflying performances. Nevertheless, it is still necessary to prepare this Old Lady for such a mechanical adventure, and also to train the pilots, because there is then only one N3400 pilotin France... and she will need to train the team!

It's the starting point of a long serie of briefings, meetings, trainings, developments in order to set up the best possible race organization, with good laughs and good moments of friendship.

It's the day !

It's the day, and we have an extra member in the team : Vincent Bazillio will be the coordinator of the virtual team.

Yes, we also have a virtual team!
Our Nord 3400 has been modelized for virtual flight networks, and a team of virtual pilots will follow the same route as our Nord, in real time!
The virtual N3400 was designed by the talented Gilles Faulmeyer, and the technical advice for the virtual team is provided by Manuel Goepfert, also known for his membership in the Swiss Virtual Patrol.
Vincent, present at our headquarters, coordinates the team's decisions in real time on the network to allow the virtual plane to follow the same route ...

Our headquarter settles near Villacoublay, which is the final destination of the race, while the plane and its first pilots starts to wriggle on the air force base of Francazal, starting point of the race.

During the entire race, the ground team, under the leadership of Marc-Olivier Méhu, will assist the aircraft in flight to make the best decisions, analyze the weather, and coordinate clearances with the military airspaces or airfields, and even to make hotel reservations and taxis. The race aircraft but also the assistance airplanes are informed of the evolution of the race through an iPhone application developped for our team.

Because we have several orbiflyers onboard assistance airplanes in order to drop off and collect the pilots for the Nord3400!

In the end, no competitor will be able to complete 100 aerodromes that year due to the harsh weather conditions, but our Nord 3400 Orbiflyer placed worthily in the middle of the ranking ... good job for a winged veteran!

We would particularly like to thank:
  • Jean Barbaud for our great logo (see his blog)
  • Le Château de Potelières for these unforgettable briefings and meetings
  • DOYEN Systems website here : http://www.doyensarl.fr/ for the technical support
  • Manuel GOEPFERT for his assistance with the virtual team
    and Vincent BAZILLIO who spent the day of the race coordinating online
  • Gilles FAULMEYER website here : http://www.restauravia.com/ who designed the virtual airplane
  • And the whole team, on ground and in flight, and all these individuals who assisted us to complete this beautiful project!
    Thank you also for the pictures on this page (especially Eric Odin).

For sure: none of us will ever forget this crazy adventure!

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Sky is no longer the Limit

   Next ground trainings :
25 Jul 2025 HPA  On line Part 1
26 Jul 2025 HPA  On line Part 2

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