FAA CPL Flight Training
After having passed the FAA CPL written test, you have 24 calendar months to pass the practical exam.
There are 3 possibilities for your flight training :
1) "FULL EUROPE" training : The full training is done in Europe with an FAA instructor,
and a Flight Examiner comes from the US for the final examination. This option was closed since
September the 11th, then re-opened. It's closed again since 2022 for non-US citizens, until further advise.
2) "FULL US" training : Take a break in the US for some weeks, train and pass the final
examination (variable duration, expect 2 or 3 weeks for intense training).
3) "Mixed" training : Train in Europe with your favourite FAA instructor, then pass the
examination in the US (after some adaptation training).
We will be glad to assist you in either the "FULL EUROPE" option or
the "Mixed training" option.
Since 9/11, it is mandatory to register any INSTRUMENT, MEP or INITIAL practical training with the TSA (Transportation Security Agency)
prior to begin the flight training.
This can be done online
(we will guide you through the process).
Orbifly is registered with TSA. This allows us to provide our trainings to non-US citizens and out of the
US territories.
Once you have registered and been granted permission to initiate the training, you can fly !
Flight Training with Orbifly
As for the Ground Training, Orbifly has developped an intensive Flight Training for the CPL, that
can be entirely done in Europe.
The duration will mainly depends on your prior experience, your comfort when performing the required visual maneuvers,
and your final goal (single engine CPL, multiengine CPL, or dual single engine + multiengine CPL).
Expect approximately 5 to 7 days for a multiengine course, or 3 to 5 days for a single engine course. The oral preparation towards the practical exam will also be an
important part of your training.
As the regulation can change, you can check here the latest version of the CPL single engine or multiengine requirements for the test.
Important :
As you will read on the above link, the CPL applicant is required to have 10 hours of training under instrument.
You can take the CPL flight examination even if you are not instrument rated. However this required training will have an impact on your budget
in case you have no previous IR experience that can be taken into account towards this requirement.
And what about the flight test ?
For the flight test, you have two options available :
- Take the test in Europe, with a designated examiner
- Or take the test in the US, after a familiarisation training
Option 1 : Take your test in Europe
Note : the Examiner designated in Europe can only provide the service to US citizens.
Once your appointment has been made for a flight test on the airfield agreed between you and the examiner,
we can accompany you for 1 to 2 days of final preparation on site prior to your exam.
Option 2 : Take your test in the US
This interesting alternative will allow you to discover what it is to fly in the USA. You will complete your training in Europe,
then fly away for a short stay in the USA, accompanied by one of our instructors.
At the end of a familiarization training on the locally-rented airplane (generally 3 to 4 days, according to your needs), you will be able to pass your flight test...
and you will have discovered at the same time a brand new aeronautical world!
We organize these discovery/finish-up stays in partnership with flight schools located in the US, where we can rent airplanes and find the most interesting
conditions possible for you.
Any further questions ? Check our
contact us !
Sky is no longer the Limit
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